Year of 1947
1947 Staff and Students.
Names of the students of 1947.
First Year Students Allchin, Edna Balcomb, Gwyn Duff, Marjorie Jacobs, William Lavarack, Sylvia (Houliston) Mowat, Daisy (Willis) Radford, Joyce Strachan, E Miss Willis, Ted Wright, Margaret (Greenland) |
Second Year Students Allchin, Lilian (Brown) Cheesman, Alison Davey, Malcolm Eglington, Kathleen Mrs Glass, Len Horn, Irma Houlison, Donald Luke, Edna Woollacott, Gertude |
Graduates of 1947
Houlison, Donald |
Below is a report by Mrs Dulcie McDonald, taken from the 1969 Annual Report.
Rev. Donald Houliston (1946/47) was the first South African missionary to serve with the China Inland Mission and spent three years in China. He returned to the East in 1955 where he served for thirteen years, working amongst the Chinese in West Borneo. He arrived back in South Africa in October, 1968, to take up his new appointment as Acting Home Director of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship in South Africa.